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High School Enhancement

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High School Enhancement 2021-02-04T17:17:31+00:00

High School Enhancement

Purpose and Eligibility

High School Enhancement allows high school students to enroll in classes at Highline College with high school authorization. Students must be at least 15 years old on the first day of the quarter to enroll.
Steps to Apply and Register (steps 2 and 4 to be completed by new students only)

Step 1

Meet with your high school counselor or school official to discuss your educational plans and complete the Enhancement Authorization form. If you are home schooled, you must have your form signed by the public school district’s administrator.

Step 2

Apply for admission to Highline College and activate your MyHighline email account after you receive your welcome email (1-2 days after submitting your application).

Step 3

Visit Highline’s Placement and Testing Center to complete your English and/or Math placement as needed for course pre-requisite.

Step 4

Complete the New Student Orientation.

Step 5

Email completed Enhancement Authorization form to ksteinbach@highline.edu or submit in-person to Building 6, room 226. Schedule an appointment with an advisor to register for classes.

Step 6

Pay tuition and fees. If you are 19 years or older and a Washington state resident, you may qualify for reduced tuition.

Contact Information

Name: Karen Steinbach

Email: ksteinbach@highline.edu

Phone: (206) 592-3355

Location: Building 6-236

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